The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #793734
Posted By: Bobert
29-Sep-02 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Kat, Stephen L. Rich, Walking Eagle, et al. Oh, *bless* you all. The way we're gonna stop the war machine is throwing one wrench into the works at a time. Hey, when you think it took 6 years to mobilize against the Vietnam War, we are way ahead of the game BUT we are gonna really ahve to send that extra letter ot email over the next week. I cannot over emphasize how important that email or telephone call is!!!!!

Today in London, I am told and maybe some of our UK Catters can confirm, some 400,000 folks assembled to tell Tony Blair to take Bushes war and stick it! In Italy, 100,000. The world is saying "NO" and it's time for Americans to keep up the pressure in any way that they can.

There is a serious *lie* being told loudly and often to the the American people with a very sick man who is being led by Satan and who left to his devices is gonna get a lot of innocent people killed. A general speaking recently said that fighting in Iraq will be like watching the last 15 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan". Urbamn Warfare with lots and lots and lots of women and children killed by Apache helicopters firing on apartment buildings and lots of G.I.'s dieing in the streets and in tghe ahll ways of buildings. You kids, your bothers, your fathers, your next door neighbor or his kid.

Hey, make the calls. Sent the emails. If you can make it to D.C. October 12th, be here and be counted. Do something todat to be counted. We can stop the war machine if we don't get comlacient. If we don't get lazy. If we just reach way down and do what we each can do...

So, please, please, please, just send do one thing today to be heard. This insanity must be stopped.

Peace thru resistence.
