The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51830   Message #793741
Posted By: GUEST,Walkingh Eagle
29-Sep-02 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: Are folk clubs serving a purpose
Subject: RE: Are folk clubs serving a purpose
A. Sufferer brings up a point for discussion. Should the established clubs continue to bring in the money making acts to keep them going, or should they help bring along younger players that are not quite the draw that they will be.I think that the established clubs have a responsibility to help bring along younger players and give them a voice.

Two questions I have are; 1. Forget about the performers, what is being sung? 2. Forget about the age of the performers, what about the age of the audience?

I for one would like to see a bit better of a balance of songs. Lately, we've had a lot of work in what I call the Key of I. Meaning that mostly the old ballads, protest, social commentary, and children's songs are not being covered.

Many times I'll go to a club and find that mom and dad have come, but have left the youngsters at home with a sitter. This turn of events disturbs me. Children need exposure to music via other venues these days as they certainly not getting it through good radio or public schools.
