The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51781   Message #793759
Posted By: Little Hawk
29-Sep-02 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
My dear Cher, no one, simply no one can match your cheekbones, although Winona Ryder comes close...but that would be like comparing a bird of paradise with a lovely seashell...really no point even trying. You cannot compare the ultimate of one thing to the ultimate of another. I'm not sure I could handle the pressure of going out with you and showing up on all those wretched movie magazines at the grocery checkout. In fact, I know I couldn't. It will have to remain a beautiful dream. But thanks for the thought. Sigh...

Mark - Yes, but if Shatner did it, it would be damned funny! That would make it worth listening to. Occasionally. Well, VERY occasionally I guess... :-)

Regarding Barry Sadler...anyone who made a career recording songs supporting the USA position in Vietnam would have to be seriously out of it...or on someone's payroll (I wonder whose?). Or both. My best friend in the late 60's loved his stuff. Of course, his parents thought both houses of Congress were riddled with undercover Communist agents, so I would say his judgement was a bit skewed...they were still mourning the end of the McCarthy era in '68. Sort of like the rest of Skaneateles, New York, at the time, only even more so.

- LH