The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51925   Message #793822
Posted By: Kaleea
30-Sep-02 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cat crash wallop!
Subject: RE: BS: Cat crash wallop!
My poor oul kitty is now 19, however, when she & her sister (gone 10 years now)were wee little bairns, they would climb their way up onto an upholstered chair & fall asleep on the top edge of the back of the chair. Then when they awakened, they would begin to stretch, & fall off, invariably down the backside & onto the floor. As I was considering putting pillows onto the floor under the chair where they fell, I began to wonder if they liked the spot because of the lamp over the chair being left on at night. I decided to turn off that lamp & instead, leave on a table lamp on a set of nesting tables. Sure enough, the kitties began to sleep atop those same nesting tables. They liked the warmth of the light bulb, and were most definitely safer on the table top. I do not recall them ever having fallen off. They were always house cats, and never climbed a tree, only furniture. At the advanced age of 19, however, kitty does little climbing these days. Getting up onto my bed requires the placement of a 4 or 5" thick musical instrument case on the floor at the foot of the bed. Joining me in my comfy chair in the parlor has been made easier by the careful placement of a needlepoint footstool.