Ah, would that it were only Fermat's last theorem.... I'm sure they're working out their own theroy of Gravity.... hence all the experimentation by throwing themselves off fences, chairbacks and the top of the kitchen cabinets!Cooking anything in our kitchen at the moment is fraught with feline fear.... one female is asleep on top of the microwave, about eyeheight which is fine... the other female, Shadow is atop the box containing my 8 pint stock pot, which in turn is atop a 6ft fridge, placed on top of a waist high worksurface. She's wedged into the 6" gap between the box and the ceiling. To get up there she gets onto the worksurface, onto the microwave, from there to the top of the cabinets. From the top of the cabinets she jumps across the kitchen (about 4' over the doorway) and then onto the fridge and her box. When the microwave is 'engaged' by Amber, the other female, she has to get down by jumping off the fridge, onto the hob, whether it's in use or not.... so far only one burnt paw, but only some swift work saved the pan of boiling rice going all over the kitchen. This is truly 'Wall of Death' with extra death. Salad anyone????