The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #794010
Posted By: Bobert
30-Sep-02 - 11:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Troll: Where's your proof? Where was your proof in 1963? Tell ya' what, pal, I'll strat listening to your war drumbeat when you come back here with proof that you have enlisted, or your son has enlisted in the US Marines or Army.

You are nothin' more than a spokesman for the military industrial complex. You want to huff-n-puff and send our kids to kill and be killed just to get your little jollies. Yeah, where is your proof?

There are better ways to solve differences than what the military-industrialists want. I find it real intersting, that a lot of folks who are retired military-industrialist are saying no to your not so little war. Hmmmmmm? Wonder what that means?

Lastly, though you remain anonoymous, you just keep this thought in mind. A lot of folks are warning you that the stove is hot. Touch it or touch it not... You'll have to live with yourself... There *is* a final accounting...

Whose God are you hearing, troll?
