(quote) "Taliesn, My comment was more than a well meaning but misplaced suggestion--it was more of reminder to you about where you are. "Again , I appreciate your "well-meaning-ness", but I know exactly where I am as I know the Rev.Bobert "personally" and it was he whom suggested I visit this sight as it allows a pretty wide range of perspectives to have a go round. It was also through the Right Rev. Bobert that i had that pleasure extended to meeting and listening live to Jerry Rassmussen and Fortunato and then his very talented son; a pleasure I put in writing to this mssgboard.
therefore I believe that you may have read some of my posts , but are only registering part of what I respond with. I enjoy live performances of practically anything. I tend to have a special appreciation of more accomlished musicians as I really love to *see* craftsmanship the way many of a more sports oriented taste love their particular atheletes for their signature styles in the performance of their respective craft.
I just attended the Harper's Ferry Crafts Festival in wild & wonderful West Virginia yesterday to meet some dear rinds of some 15 years and DV-taped one of the performing blue grass ensmebles whom were *excellent*, especially in the execution of their 4 part harmonies. I particularly loved zooming in on just the individual musicians to record their adept hands working their instruments during solos.
So ,beging your pardon , but I fail to see where my love of craft causes you to discomfort on my posting my musical ,and other, views here because I may not be the "right kind" of music lover .
(quote) "This being the sort of forum that it is, those two sites contain, if not our Holy Grail, at least a one of the better reflections of the North American portions of it--"
And I clearly said that I would visit them as I'm always interested on new sources as I did when URL's were submitted by other mudcatters to direct me to other "12 sting" guitartists as proof that 12 string artidstry is not dead.
(quote) " If your musical interests lead in other directions, that is fine--but you seem to be saying that you are too good to listen to the music that is important to us--which is very bad form--"
That's perhaps a reflection of a musical predjudice on "your" part which kind of plays into the threads asking if *folk-purists* aren't as *elitist* , even *snobbish*, about *their* miusic as those they criticize whom express other tastes.
I take a profound joy in my appreciation of crafts which includes the craft of making music and storytelling set to melody as much the appreciation of the craft involved in making a fine musical instrument .
Well crafted melody is as beautiful if sung to a single fiddle as when sung by a philharmonic choir. I loved the 21 Scots pipers and drummers I saw perform at the apparently most attended Rennaisance Festival on the Eastern Coast atleast near Annapolis,Maryland as much a the solo celtic harp-player who probably also made his own harp.
I also know what I use music for. I use it for nourishment of my artistic nature. It's as simple as that.