The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #794054
Posted By: DougR
30-Sep-02 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Geeze, Bobert! Troll has been a mudcatter longer, I believe, than you have!

One thing I will never understand, Bobert, is how those of you who share your POV profess to be so liberal in your thinking (not saying you are a political liberal!)but have no tolerance for anyone whose viewpoints differ from yours.

And PULEESE, do not elevate Ted Kennedy from Senator to a General. It was Senator Ted Kennedy not a General that made that remark about the "Saving Private Ryan" movie in a speech last week at a University in, I believe, Washington D. C.

You folks are so quick to quote anyone and anything you hear or read that favors your cause, whether it is accurate or not.

Other than that, how was the March? I didn't see a lot of coverage in the main stream press or cable. No doubt because they are all controlled by the "Military Industrial Complex." :>)
