The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51896   Message #794083
Posted By: GUEST,Alfie
30-Sep-02 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Punch the Horse at Durty Nellies Pt999
Subject: RE: Punch9 the 9Horse at Durty Nellies Pt999
Oakley - My, you do love tempting fate, don't you? Or is it just a case of taunting the esteemed WW-J and driving him to further rash acts, such as assaulting the plumber or the postman? It worked once, but I doubt that it will work again. Still, you never can tell. I find WW-J's absolute silence on this forum rather ominous. I'm sure he can afford another keyboard after all...

A word of caution...he may decide to go looking for you, if he dares leave Twillingsgate and Ms Penelope R unguarded in the nonce. Enough clues have been dropped about the Punch the Horse events and their location that a good detective could follow them up and track you to your noisome musical haunts, there to reduce you to a battered heap of bat dung. I'm sure that Durty Nellie's has seen worse things happen before....

Alfie *