The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51925   Message #794447
Posted By: Helen
30-Sep-02 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cat crash wallop!
Subject: RE: BS: Cat crash wallop!

If you have ever seen a slow motion version of a cat falling from an upside down position, it takes a few feet for it to roll over in mid-air to land feet first. Two feet may not have been enough time to do that spectacular roll.

By the way, since my cat went to cat-heaven in late July I have really been missing having one around. Normally there is at least one cat in my life and this is the first time in about 40 years that I haven't had a cat. We're planning a month long holiday at the end of the year, though, and we are holding off getting another cat until after that.

So spare a little thought for a cat-less humanbean, and stop making me feel so envious by telling everyone about your cat adventures. (Just joking. Really!)
