The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51781 Message #794589
Posted By: denise:^)
30-Sep-02 - 11:55 PM
Thread Name: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Subject: RE: Worst Pop Song Part Two
Speaking of the Carpenters, you haven't *lived* until you've suffered through--uh, I mean, *heard,* their rendition of, "Dead Man's Curve." (No, I'm not making this up! A multi-harmonied, crisply delivered, split-second timing-ed version of "Dead Man's Curve." Enough to make you want to go drive off of it yourself!)
Let me explain-- I had a friend who was a closet Carpenters groupie, and went on a cross-country car trip with her once. She brought along a hearty supply of Carpenters albums recorded onto cassettes. Up till then, I could tolerate them in small doses. Never afterward!
BTW, she also had a thing about the Turtles' "Happy Together," and put it on the end of EACH SIDE of EACH CASSETTE. That song had never bothered me, up 'till that point--
After that trip, we never went anywhere together again...