The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #794863
Posted By: Bobert
01-Oct-02 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Sorry, Dougie, didn't mean to slight ya.

My wife was waiting to use the pudder. Lousy excuse but its a true one.

Well, we've had the "liberal" conversation before and you understand that to me its folks like you who *are* the "liberals" but that wasn't your question.

But really, I have as much tlerance as I do passion and conviction. Hey, I really do like the idea of democracy. I just wish we had more of it. I think we would all be better off if voices from all corners are heard. Lately, we've been getting an overdose of voices who agree pretty much with your points of view, and very little oppositon. I mean really, think about it. Lets say, for instance that 36% of the population are against a war with Iraq then where are the 36% of the representatives who are speaking out against the war. Hmmmmmmmm?

So, heck, I pay taxes but I don't feel as if ZI have ever had anyone who represented me. You pay taxes and you've got people falling over each other to get a resolution passes that will clear the war for war.

No, I haven't answered the question directly but somewhere in my rambling I have hit upon some of the driving forces of our passion to be heard.

In doing so, I think I and others with similar POV, are also fighting so that you too can be heard. It's the cornerstone of democracy, and as far as I'm concerned, there isn't a better system when it works...

I think we agree more on this the one issue, if you think about it, then any other single issue, my friend.

Don't hate, Communicate
