The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51974   Message #795200
Posted By: The Pooka
01-Oct-02 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion 2: Dissent = intelligence??
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion 2: Dissent = intelligence??
Fred Miller & Amos, re your last 2 posts above: hear, hear! Agreed. / It was a slowly-dawning sense of what you've so well expressed that led me, gradually, away from my onetime Rightist ideology but at the same time away from ANY strict political "ideology" as such, i.e., absolutist intellectual system/construct which purports (so absurdly) to account for Everything. (Amos, I'm not referring to Physics. That's different. There, I'll still String along...unless I stub me TOE...)

Also Amos, thanks for that objective review of NR Online. Apparently These Kids Today have kept up the ol' Buckley standards, and for that I commend them although I now disagree. / I've adhered to my resolution not to read 'em for fear of Falling off the Wagon (though I WAS intrigued by their story about Fishing, with a picture of a nice Bass :).