The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52025   Message #796127
Posted By: Mooh
03-Oct-02 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Current listening
Subject: RE: Current listening
I have to spend four hours every day at a job where I can wear a discman every moment. Lately I've been listening to the bluegrass band Daybreak (First Light), a Scots/Celt band Calasaig (Near and Far), Nancy Kerr & James Fagan (Between the Dark and Light), various Simon Mayor discs, Pierre Schryer & Ian Clark (Heat of the Moment), Handel (Water Music), misc Bach pipe organ music, and a wonderful new disc called Fresh Canadian Fiddle Tunes composed by Brian Pickell and played by several fiddlers and others.

There'll likely be a selection of blues soon in my rucksack which accompanies me to work. I like alot of the Alligator Records stuff.

Another four hours of my day are taken up listening to music students strut their stuff. Sometimes this is taxing, sometimes a gift, but always rewarding.

As I write this I'm listening to CBC news story, soon to be replaced by...oh I don't know...maybe Led Zeppelin...

Peace, Mooh.