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Thread #52072   Message #796214
Posted By: Teribus
03-Oct-02 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT

1. The UN appointed Chairman of UNSCOM, Richard Butler - Lied????

2. The UNSCOM Report of January 1999 to the United Nations Security Council - IS LIES ?????

For what purpose? For what motive? - job protection!!! Do come along.

Those are my sources, situated in Europe I am less subject to Bush's PR campaign than those located in America.

While expressing my opinions, is my right, I usually base those on fact and experience. I also challenge other view points in specific questions - which you tend to side-step or ignore, I tend to aswer questions fielded my way.

While I commend your ideals and your opinions (no ideas have come out yet) - in the light of past experience with regard to what Baghdad says it's going to do and what it actually does - I think you are being a bit niaive.

I am all for the return of inspectors - under the present mandate Bobert, if those weapons inspection teams were to go to work tomorrow - when will they submit their final report? What are your criteria for accepting the authenticity of the contents of that report? When will sanctions be lifted?

And once again I remind you that you are the one constantly harping on about there's going to be a war. I on the other hand have from the outset said that there is not.

The bottom line Bobert is for you and your fellow travellers to get over it once and for all - George W Bush won the last American Presidential Election - There is nothing you can do about it.

Go back and review your posts, everything about them insularly looks to how this affects domestic matters - your underlying sentiment seems to smack of - Screw the rest of the world, to hell with the people of Iraq and any chance of a peaceful settlement in the middle east - If Saddam Hussein is George Bush's sworn enemy then I'll back him to the hilt. I'll believe him unquestionably, before I'd believe anybody that forms part of the present administration, or anyone that concurs with their views, irrespective of qualification and past experience. If they're not singing my song - then they're automatically lying.

As you are only to willing to attribute the motives of your President, and his advisors, to, so far unproven, financial interests. I take it that you are aware that Iraq's major trading partners have been France and Russia - but that's all clean and above board - both have supplied nuclear technology, the latter was Iraq's major source of weapons. Also in Europe, Germany was the country that supplied the nutrients for his Sarin project.

Your sentence (which I will paraphrase): "If you side has any more information it wouild like to share with the ..... parents of kids who may be asked to die, then we'd certainly appreciate you bringing them to the forefront of this discussion."

For your information, one of my sons is currently serving in the Royal Marines, Bobert - I have got a bloody good idea where he might be when and if this thing kicks off. So if you will pardon me for pandering to my ego, I sincerely hope that it doesn't.