The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51830   Message #796800
Posted By: George Papavgeris
04-Oct-02 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: Are folk clubs serving a purpose
Subject: RE: Are folk clubs serving a purpose
Naahh, the thread's not dead yet, breezy. Too many questions left unanswered, not least the one about how to bring success, bums on seats, youth etc to a club; and how to quality-control its content. You have shown the way on some of those (build up the funds, class acts, content control, relentless pressure on crisp-munching mobile-phone-forgetting-turned-on punters). But there's more to do. Now, how would you bring your Blue Anchor atmosphere to the Comfort Hotel, for example (the first is a kind of "show" for regulars, with warm rapport, the second a classic rows-of-seats, stage front "proper" sort of club for the class acts)?

In short, fClubs need management; enthusiasm alone doesn't cut it at best, and can be boring when misguided. 9 in 10 fClub organisers are simply monitoring the patient's dying moments. You give the kiss of life (I am being strictly metaphorical so don't you dare!). Can others learn from that?

Or would they even want to, if it injures their egos to do so?