The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10942   Message #79698
Posted By: Bud
18-May-99 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: Guns, to my friends here at Mudcat
Subject: RE: Guns, to my friends here at Mudcat
It is extraordianry how American society in the last century (can't use that term much longer about the 1800's) went from a country where most men went around armed to a society where the only persons who publicly wore guns were law officers. With the exception of Prohibition Era gangsters, this trend continued for the first sixty years of this century. In the sixties there seemed to be a sea-change in alot of American attitudes in a variety of areas. Many were long overdue starting with civil rights, equality for women, and the tolerance of smoking everywhere.

Other changes were destructive of the fabric of society. Movies and televison started to the trend of programs that featured violence as the justification the film\program. The wide spread abuse of drugs has lead to a Prohibition-style gangster culture. The 1800's overcame the dangers of opium. (Heroin got its start as a sort of methadone for opium users. OOPS!!! That is why it has its name.)

In the village I grew up in fifty-odd years ago nearly all the males and many of the females hunted. Opening day of pheasant season saw a marked drop in school attendance. Yet the idea of using firearms on others was beyond the pale. That small village is now a large suburb. Hunting season is not followed by many. I haven't hunted since I got married. (My wife was savaged by her grandmother's guard dog and was uncomfortable about having a dog in the house. I won't hunt with out a dog, lest game not be found and left to linger.)

I don't have a gun now, but vigorously support the right of others to responsibly own guns. I do not belong to the NRA becaause they seem to oppose any change. I do not own a gun, but have a card that would allow me to. That will no doubt bring me grief when the politically correct force the law-abiding to surrender their guns!