The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52147   Message #797105
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
04-Oct-02 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: Tech: How convert CD music to HD WAV?
Subject: Tech: How convert CD music to HD WAV?
First, I am NOT contemplating copyright violation.

I have some of my own singing on a couple of CDs produced by a group of people I know, but no longer have the original recordings, nor ever had them in digital format.

I want to convert these songs from my computer's CD player to WAV for posting on my own web site, the host of which will not accept MP3s.

I have SlowGold, Creative Recorder, and Audacity, but am not skilled in the use of any of them.

I think there was a thread that related to this, but I have been unable to find it via search.

Can anyone help me, or direct me to where such instructions may be?

Dave Oesterreich