The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52147   Message #797220
Posted By: GUEST
05-Oct-02 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: Tech: How convert CD music to HD WAV?
Subject: RE: Tech: How convert CD music to HD WAV?
I've just started unraveling the .WAV format. Minimum sample size is 1 byte (that's not high-fi) and minimum sample rate is 22,050 samples per second. That works out to a file size of 1.3 megabytes per minute. A song of 3 minutes would be about 4 megabytes, which on my 56K modem, takes about 11 minutes to download, and that's for low fidelity. Single channel hi-fidelity would double that, and stereo would double it again. .WAV files can very good, but very long. Sample points come from information theory. N = 2TW, where t is time in seconds, W is the bandwidth (11.025 KHz), and N is the number of sample points (1 byte each for low fidelity).