The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52121   Message #797652
Posted By: Ireland
06-Oct-02 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'World's funniest joke' identified
Subject: RE: BS: 'World's funniest joke' identified
Two of my fellow country men (trying to be pc) went to a drive in cinema, didn't like the movie so they slashed the seats. On the way home they had a crash and paddy got thrown out of the car, the ambulance man said sorry ed your friends dead, no I'm not says paddy, ed says lie down paddy he knows what he' talking about.

Anyway the ambulance takes paddy to the hospital and ed decides to follow in a taxi, he jumps into the first taxi he finds and says "Let us drive" (Lettuce dr is in Belfast) the Taxi man say's, way on with ye get in the back like everyone elese. So he jumps in the back and a woman is breast feeding a baby, he says,what are you doing, I'm breast feeding my baby, ed say's catch yourself on it will not eat all that.

Old one are the best.