The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #798524
Posted By: GUEST,Bobert
07-Oct-02 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Dougie: Not only do we have TV's but we got *lectrical* to run 'em, we got flush toilets and all that stuff. I mean, we're like modern.

Ahh, now I hate to disappoint ya' but, you know when I was back in high school I didn't attend the other team's pep rallies the night before the big football games... and Iz ain't about to waste timne listenin' to you guy go on and on about hos Saddam is a threat not only to the US but to the Universe and the survival of mankind. Heck, the media has allready said that he doesn't have nuthin' new so it's kinda like watchin' an old rerun that ain't really all that old. I mean, how long's he been huffin' and puffin' now. I think since January when he gave his "axis of evil" speech.

I'm still real concerned about a few things, Dougie. First, I know that the US can probably put a good whoppin' on Saddam, but there's always the chance that someone down at the Pentegon and misplaced a decimal point and that the Iraqis ain't gonna get the message that Bush doesn't have nuthin' against them and the war turns into an urban slugfest anf the US looses on heck of a lot of folks and kills one heck of a lot of Iraqi's that we supoosedly ain't got nuthin' against. Hmmmmmmm? That would be real bad and rival Vietnem as the US's largest misplaced decimal place.

Then there's this *mulitnational* mantra that the Bush has been spouting when he allready told everyond that he was gonna kick some Saddam butt no matter what. That kind of stuff tends to make folks think of the US as arrogant unilaterialists and kind of foriegn olicy is going to get us bit down the road.

So, Doug, you go ahead and listen to Bush and be sure to have a note pad handy to write down *anything* that is new. Heck, you won't need a note pad, you won't even need a match book cover for that matter.

But don't worry. All the media folks will tell you what a great job he did so you can at least have that to report...
