The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #798566
Posted By: Bobert
07-Oct-02 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT

It's a forgone conclusion that Congress is gonna give Bush what ever he wants if he'll just *shut up* long enough so they can get a shot of getting some more of their folks elected...

Oh course he didn't write the speech. The man never wrote nuthin' includin' the college term papers, which I'm sure he bought...

Like I've said all a along, Bush is gonna get his little war, come Hell or high water. Why? Because he can!

This ain't got nuthin' to do with security. But everything to do with Daddy Bush, Cheney, oil and politics.

Fine. For every action thare is an equal counteraction. I want to apologize now to the families whose kids may get blown up while Bush gets his jollies but you can bet that history will not be kind to this man...
