The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52121   Message #798791
Posted By: Bullfrog Jones
08-Oct-02 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'World's funniest joke' identified
Subject: RE: BS: 'World's funniest joke' identified
Arge, your pig joke reminded me of another farmer joke:
A guy's driving along a country road when something flashes past him on the outside. He's astonished to see that it's a chicken, and checking his speedometer, reckons it must be going about fifty miles an hour. The chicken disappears over the horizon and a few minutes later a farm truck pulls alongside and flags him down. 'Have you seen a three-legged chicken pass this way?' says the farmer. 'A three-legged chicken? Where on Earth do you get one of those from?' 'Well' says the farmer, 'Me and the missus and our eldest lad all like a leg when we eat chicken, and to stop any arguing, I bred a new strain of three legged birds.' 'Amazing' says the guy 'What do they taste like?'

'Dunno, ain't managed to catch one yet!'