The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52218   Message #799036
Posted By: GUEST,Malveka
08-Oct-02 - 02:37 PM
Thread Name: JtS - May Your Sword Never Grow Rusty
Subject: RE: JtS - May Your Sword Never Grow Rusty
Thanks Amos! Ummm, what's a Mudcat Songbook?

Jack the Sailor - well and nobly sung sir! Thou art both a fortunate man and a chivalrous knight to your good lady.

Let's see...well it is a party shaping up here, isn't it?

::pulls the tap to draw another Black Horse and gets nothing but foam::

Arrr...hoy barkeep! We've anudder dead'un 'ere! They nae be fillin'em like they used to. Roight then, while we be waitin' on that we should be 'aving us another verse, eh?

May your sword never grow rusty
Your delights each day renew
And find as each year passes
Your love has grown anew