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Thread #52072   Message #799217
Posted By: GUEST,McGrath of Harlow
08-Oct-02 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
The USA has declared that it intends to "thwart" any inspections going ahead until the rest of the Security Council does what it is instructed to do, and votes the kind of resolution that Bush has decided is necessary.

And the text of the resolution, as leaked, indicates that what is required, though still referred to as "inspection", actually involves a kind of occupation of Iraq. It's a resolution written with the intention of being rejected - and that is not my judgement, but that of knowledgeable commentators without any liking for Saddam whatsoever.

But that's beside the point. Noone can stop Bush making war on Iraq, except the American people, who do not seem inclined to do so. But in the meantime, real and rigorous inspections could be going ahead, even without the kind of resolution Bush is demanding. At least they might have the effect of ensuring that fewer people were killed "if" Bush attacks.

And maybe he'll allow real and rigorous inspections to go ahead, and will accept it if they say that there aren't any Weapons of Mass Destruction left when they are through. But I think most people take it as read that he's just treading water until he's logistically ready to invade.