The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51729   Message #800028
Posted By: Bobert
09-Oct-02 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Actions to promote peace
Subject: RE: BS: Actions to promote peace
Amos, Amos, Amos...

Hey, brother, this is the peace tent. Gotta ignore the trolls. Yeah, I know, I mighta' got sucked in once or twice my ownself but really, lets try to keep this thread about the resistence movement.

I know it's not as fun as battlin' with knuckleheads but, hey, its nice to have a peace tent where we can keep up with what's going on. Eventually the trolls will learn to just stay out.

So what's next on the left coast...

We have a rally this weekend at the Capitol which I will not be able to get to but then on the 26th, I'll be back at it in D.C. and I hope that the arbitrary pre-emptive arrests of weekend before last will not be repeated... But if they are, hey, I haven't been arrested protesting stupid foriegn policy since 1969, so it will be like deja vu.

Peace (or anit-war) thru resistence.
