The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51686   Message #800303
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-Oct-02 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Honkingduck Oldtime Project Proposal
Subject: RE: Mudcat Honkingduck Oldtime Project Proposal
James, you should have the following via e-mail now:

Now that I see how you linked to Mudcat, I think we better change the copy slightly.... more results will come up for the artist name in many cases, and often from a line from the lyric, than for just the song title which you have going into the search field automatically. And if you automate it too much people will never learn how to search and use all Mudcat has to offer. So I think you might want to remove the automated title entirely and say this:

" does not provide any song lyrics. Many of the songs here can be found at The Mudcat Cafe, either in the Digital Tradition lyric database hosted there, or in the Forum of lyrics, chords, and discussions of song variants and artists. To search the DT and Forum, search by song title, artist, or a phrase from the lyric, HERE.

To participate in the all-volunteer, ongoing project at Mudcat to post the lyrics of the songs at Honkingduck, please e-mail, using the word MUDCAT in the subject line."
