The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52007   Message #800378
Posted By: Grab
10-Oct-02 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Traveller Discrimination in the US 3
Subject: RE: BS: Traveller Discrimination in the US 3
Getting away from Alice's comments...

According to Aine's posting, after temporary placement with an emergency foster care family the child is now being cared for by her grandmother. After checking, the courts are satisfied that she is safe from abuse with her grandparents. They merely did the normal thing for any child abuse case, and even the Indian Child Welfare act couldn't fault them on any of that.

So after the normal process of the courts: the mother is freed on a low bail bond; the child is safe and with her family; the courts have separated the mother from the child and are applying to maintain that separation until the mother has demonstrated she is no longer a danger to her child; the mother is getting anger management classes so that she can take her normal place in the family; and weekly visits by the mother are allowed so that there's no permanent separation between mother and child.

Doesn't sound much like discrimination to me. Sounds like a classic, well-oiled example of exactly how a child abuse case should be run, all the 'i's dotted and 't's crossed, ensuring that the child's safety is secured short-term, that the family stays together medium-term, and that the abuser gets help so she can resume her place in the family long-term. Job done, and I think all the ppl on the state team for this should be proud of themselves. Sorry Larry, but for all your claims of how Traveller-related cases "normally" go, this has gone 100% by the book.
