The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #800489
Posted By: GUEST,Bobert
10-Oct-02 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Doug: While in agreement with everything Don has said I'd just add my 3 cents worth.

1. Sure he does, just as sure as a rattle snake has venom.

2. Heck no! Like the snake his range is severely limited. Sure, he could probably attempt to attack Isreal and surely get his butt nuked for his efforts. His unmaned drones fly so slow that they would be shot down before they left Iraqi airspace. His SCUD's are a mystery to him since he ain't too good at aiming them as shown the last time he tried to fire 'em. Plus since he has so few, he's afraid to pull em' out for fear of the US blowin' em' up on the ground. Man, he is in a pickle.

Yep, it's back to the Mohammed Ali's "Rope-A-Dope" trick of drawing the opponent into your space, let em' punch away, then counter. The US is not ready to fight a street brawl. I'm not saying it wouldn't win, but I am saying that the casualties would be so high and the collateral damage so devestating that it would be victory that would only produce an entire legion of folks standing in line to volunteer to give their lives in terrorists acts as revenge for a couple of generations to come...
