The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39841   Message #8014
Posted By: catfeet
03-Jul-97 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Sir Aldingar
Subject: Lyr Add: SIR ALDINGAR (from Kornog)
After about a week, I've finally managed to dig out my Kornog cassette and copy the lyrics. Here is Kornog's Sir Aldingar. It is not the Child no 57 version. They've mixed Sir Aldingar and Sir Hugh Le Blonde and added some verses.

Our King he kept a false steward
Sir Aldingar they do him call
A falser steward there ner was one
Served not in bower nor hall
I love you weel my Queen my dame
The truth that I do tell
And for to lie one night with you
The salt seas I would sail

Away away Sir Aldingar
You are both stark and stout
Would you defile the Kings own bed
And make his wife a whore?
He then stepped out at her room door
All in an angry mood
Until he met a leper man
Just by the hard way side o

He intoxicated the leper man
With liquors very sweet
And gave him more and more to drink
Until he fell asleep
He took him in his arms twa
And carried him along
Til he came tae the Queens ain bed
And there he laid him down

The went him forth Sir Aldingar
And to our King cried he
He said "Your Queens a false woman
As I do plainly see"
He went unto the Queens chamber
So costly and so fine o
Til he came tae the Queen's ain bed
Where the leper man was lain o

"Plooky plooky are your cheeks
And plooky is your chin
And plooky are your arms twa
My bonnie Queen's laid in
Since she has lain intae your arms
She shall not lie in mine
Since she has kissed your ugsome mouth
She never shall kiss mine"

In anger he went tae our Queen
Who fell upon her knee
He said "Ye false unchaste woman
What's this ye've done tae me?
Now forty days I will geve thee
Tae find a knight therin
If thou not find a Knight in forty days
Thy body it must brin"

Then she sent east and she sent west
And north and south between
But never a champion could she find
Would fight the King's knight sae keen
Now when the appointed day was come
No help appeared nigh
Then woeful woeful was her heart
And the tears stood in her eye

Three times the herald waved hsi hand
Three times he waved on high.
"Gin any good knight will fend this dame/
Come forth or she must die!"
No knight stood forth no knight there came
No help appeared nigh
And now the Fire was lighted up.
Queen Ealenor she must die

And now the fire was lighted up
As hot as hot might be
When riding upon a little white steed
A tiny boy they see
"Away with that stake, awasy with those brands
And loose our comely Queen
I'm come to fight Sir Aldingar
And prove him a traitor keen"

Then stood him forth Sir Aldingar
But when he saw the child
He laughed and scoffed and turned his back
And weened he'd been beguiled
"Now turn thee, turn thee Aldingar
And either fight or flee
I trust I shall avenge the wrong
Though I am sae small tae see"

The boy pulled forth a well guid sword
Sae gilt it dazzed the e'e
The first stroke striken at Aldingar
Smote off his legs at the knee
"Stand up Stand up thou false traitor
And fight upon thy feet
For and thou thrive as thou beginnnst
Of height we shal be meet"

"Confess your treachery now" he said
"This day before you die!"
"I shall confess my treachery
I shall no longer lie
I would have betrayed our comely Queen
My treachery is clear"
And the boy has pierced Sir Aldingar
Til his hearts blood did appear

King Henry ran to clasp his Queen
A tear was in his eye
"No boy has ever saved a wife
As fair and true as thee"
They turned to look for the tiny boy
But he could not be found
Then stood before the leper man
And he stood whole and sound