The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38806   Message #801621
Posted By: GUEST,SomedayIllget thisnewcomputerruning Mac Ta
12-Oct-02 - 05:41 AM
Thread Name: TECH: Help: CD Burners- What to buy?
Subject: RE: TECH: Help: CD Burners- What to buy?
Three years on and WinOnCD has worked for me EVERY time. Most problems with copying stem from dust or marks on the original CD. allways clean and check the CD to be coppied. Another tip, is to play the CD on your computer. If it won't play, it won't coppy. Slower speed coppying is also another route to follow, just because the spec. clames the writer can coppy at "40 times" doesn't mean you realy have to, after all you're not holding your breath while the computer does it's stuff. By the way how fast is "1 times", I should know but can't rember.