The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38806   Message #801731
Posted By: mack/misophist
12-Oct-02 - 11:01 AM
Thread Name: TECH: Help: CD Burners- What to buy?
Subject: RE: TECH: Help: CD Burners- What to buy?
I use the same Plextor everyone else here does, with the bundeled Adaptec software. It works great. About USB, there is a NEW STANDARD out thats plenty fast enough for CD burning. I think it's 2.0. Also be aware that no matter what the guarantee says, your CD is probably good for only 5 years at best. Use good quality cd-rw's in order to get that much.For audio work, people have been saying: stick with the best older gear you can get until this copy-right thing settles out. Congress may destroy the whole thing anyway.