The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50059   Message #801793
Posted By: ced2
12-Oct-02 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: Messing About with Your Liver
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Messing about with your liver
I was never aware that there was a 1960's version and to the best of my knowledge the bag refered to in verse 3 did not arrive until the breathaliser tests in the 70's, alcho pops were not around until the 90's and pool was not being commonly played in UK pubs until the mid to late 70's I think . My next door neighbour, himself an ex-professional musician, approached me in the garden one day in June 2001. "I've got this idea for a song, it's been going around in my head for about 10 years and I'm not getting anywhere with it. I've just got a few words." He said. The words in question was very similar to the first couple of lines of the last verse. Having been set the challenge I couldn't resist. So unless my mate Peter is pulling a fast one, he gave me an idea for a song wot I then rote! Thanks Peter! It rarely fails to stop the pub!!!