The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52167   Message #801869
Posted By: Robin
12-Oct-02 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: Sir Walter Raleighs poem to his son
Subject: RE: Sir Walter Raleighs poem to his son

Thanks for those kind words. I'm not an expert in Ralegh but I am fascinated by him. Years ago I constructed a dramatic collage, "The Ralegh Miscellany" that unsuccessfully bounced around tbe Beeb. It was turned down by the Radio 3 editor because, he said, "While it's dramaticallly excellent, I'm no historian so I'm worried about that side." Then it was turned down by the World Service: "While it's historically immaculate, I'm not sure if it's sufficiently dramatic." .

Oh, and I compliled what I hope is a pretty nearly complete collection of poems written about or mentioning Ralegh while he was alive and not long after his death -- everything up to about 1640.

          Rawleigh doth time bestride
                  he sits twixt winde and tide
                  yet uppe hill hee cannot ride,
                  for all his bloodie pride.
                  hee seeks taxes in the tinne
                  hee powles the poor to the skinne
                  yet hee sweares tis no sinne
                     Lord for thy pittie.

I did try your Web site, Jim, but couldn't seem to find a hotlink to email you. Prolly me being dumb -- I'll try again.

Dunno whether anyone would like to read "The Lady, the Rude Boy, and the Toy Boy" (respectively Elizabeth, Ralegh, and Essex) -- I'm new to posting on Mudcat, so I'm not sure of the decorum of including it in this thread. Assuming anyone would be interested.
