The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #802164
Posted By: Troll
13-Oct-02 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
If the UN is administering and monitoring the Oil for Food money to see that it is used for it's intended purpose, why are we told that children are starving and that it's our fault? Where is the money being used?
Not for food and medicine apparently.
Where has Saddam gotten the money to rebuild his military machine?
If not from the sale of oil, then where?
In this last weeks Newsweek there was an article which looked at the the view that the Iraqi people have of Saddam and of the US. If my memory serves me, they don't like Saddam but they HATE the US. The article was written by, I believe, an Arab.
As far as PR programs run by Psy-Ops using such things as shortwave radio, those broadcasts are only a small part of an overall campaign and pre-suppose that the target population have access to the radios and the power (battery of public utility) to operate them.
My father spent 30 years in Military Intelligence and I grew up around it. I am familiar with Psy-Ops and what they can do. It takes time to mount an effective campaign, and we may not have time.
