The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11063   Message #80284
Posted By: Alice
20-May-99 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Stodola Pumpa (trad. Czech)
Subject: Lyr Add: STODOLA PUMPA (trad. Czech)
From "The Golden Book of Favorite Songs", an old songbook I got when a one room schoolhouse was closed:

note the spelling of "stodola"

Czech Folk Song
translation by Frank Kubina
English version by R.H.

Far in the hills I hear the nightengale
Singing a song that brings home back to me.
Three years ago at home I left my love.
Still she is waiting, waiting there for me. HEY!

Stodola, stodola, stodola pumpa.
Stodola, pumpa, stodola pumpa.
Stodola, stodola, stodola pumpa.
Stodola, pumpa, pum, pum, pum.

Three years to wait is much too long for us.
My love and I, we now could married be.
Yes, she and I, we now would have a son,
Strong and so handsome, handsome just like me! HEY!


Son, when you're grown, you must not stay at home.
Into the army, you will come with me.
Here in the army you will learn to drill.
When you are good, then you can march with me! HEY!

