The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52446   Message #802974
Posted By: The Pooka
14-Oct-02 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Subject: RE: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Thank you Kevin. Knew you'd come through. I feel better already. Really, I do. (Well. Somewhat.)

Yes, and there's even been speculation that "the more intractable elements" might see their way clear to "pushing as hard as possible" back on Gerry, in ways such as to constitute rather a health hazard. Collins y'know. "The 'Staters came to Dublin town equipped with British guns..." and all that shite. Hmmph. / O so it's "the peripheral stuff" izzit!! Collateral damage, begob. / YEAHyeah I know I know...grumblegrumble...I'm gettin' there McG., gimme time...