The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11076   Message #80313
Posted By: catspaw49
20-May-99 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Subject: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Hi Ya' Group !!!

Three weeks ago I would have been totally without words had I known what was about to happen to me. Now that I'm officially on the mend, I still find it hard to explain. But what I am now and forever will be without words for is the way I feel about all of you. I am so honored and so lucky to be included in this community......Absolutely nothing can say what is in my heart. You are all truly unbelievable!!! Most of you have seen what a strong family surrounds me and that Karen and I have been blessed with the best......and I've been blessed with Karen. I have tried to explain all of you to various hospital people and they stare as though I'm having some kind of hallucination. I guess you have to live here at Mudcat to understand. This is an exceptional place, filled with exceptional people, capable of extraordinary acts of love and kindness not often found in today's world. I think it was Sandy that I asked if Max had any idea what he started here? Who would expect anything like this?

It would be easy to become quite mauldlin at this point, but I'll refrain from it. Suffice it say that I AM CONVINCED that I am alive and on the mend ("Barely Living Though Chemistry") because of the collective power of your thoughts, prayers, and good wishes. A while back, I quoted a piece from the "Bhagavad Gita" which in essence states that no matter what, a man's deeds protect him. All of you are incredibly well protected; no one can pass on so much to another and not have it come back to them. You are an incredible group. With the opening of the "Star Wars" prequel thingy, someone commented that the "FORCE" should be with me. I said I didn't need the force......I have the Power of Mudcat!!!!

I'd also find it difficult to start down the list of 'Catters who have done some extra special things for fear that I might inadvertently leave out or not give enough credit to someone. I have received so many wonderful cards, letters, CD's and other gifts...beautiful heartfelt poetry, phone calls......again just not to be believed!!! Thank You One and All............BTW, some of you are some sick puppies...a trait I admire as you all know, BUT THREE (3) of you sent me cards saying "Congrats on Having a Baby" type thing with hand written notes all saying that I probably wished I was instead of what I was going through. Three of you..........

I'm about to have to lay down for a while, but I'll get back into the swing of things over the next few days. So much goes on in the world and I can count on the'Cat to care. Thanks for keeping the litter box up just move your ass over and let me sit down with you so I can decide where to start spreadin' it first!!!

I can only end by saying I am honored to have your friendship and your love and to be a part of Mudcat. I can never repay what you have done for me and my family, but I will be here when needed for all of you too. I am honored and humbled to be part of this special little village, to be a Mudcatter. My love to all of you.
