The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52446   Message #803493
Posted By: The Pooka
15-Oct-02 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Subject: RE: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Thank you, Brendan uh I mean PookaSon. Excellent. That's an entirely objective review of course. As a journalism major in the pre-graduation Crunch (O so it's the Senior Slide izzit!! nonono), you are hereby forgiven for not following Norn Iron events 'as closely as you should'. There are other ongoing stories a wee bit more world-shaking. Y'know, 1 or 2 anyway. :) /// Now then: THERE'LL BE NO UPSTAGIN' YER FADDUH AN' INFRINGIN' HIS COPYRIGHT ON TH' RIPPING-OFF & MANGLING OF OULD IRA SONGS FOR TO ADVANCE TH' CAUSE OF PEACE! Yer bigfat GIT!! I'll SUE!!! :) O btw have you decided about Law School yet? Rmmph. Outmaneuvered again.