The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11076   Message #80354
Posted By: katlaughing
21-May-99 - 12:34 AM
Thread Name: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Subject: RE: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Oh, 'Spaw, you can have the whole damn box if ya want it! I can't see for sh*# anyway for the tears streaming down m'face!

You don't know how good it is to hear your "voice", again. I am honoured that it was in my birthday thread that you quoted the Bhagavid Gita, just went back and read it, again, today.

And, don't think that for one minute we are going to let up on all that we've been sending you; our Light, our Love, our Healing Energy is YOURS! Use it, use it, use it and keep well, dear one. (Okay, I drew the "be maudlin' card"). And, don't rush it!

Whew! Let's see....what else have I been wanting to tell you....oh, yeah! Rog almost got confused for Reg and almost ran off with the tiple band, but he only plays the doorknockers and they dind't have any as good as he's got at home*smile*; Rick has Duckboots in his garden and bed; Banjer's been acting like a seargent major organising and keeping up morale; us touchy feely types have been flooding everyone with sweetness and light; Mick has been running like a maniac being the glue what holds us together; Joe, Joe Offer, Ma'am, has been srcutinising the Rockies for a few weeks; Art got a spiffy tuneup, BillD & Ferrara were gone, too, with a sick 'pewter; AlistairUK has disappeared; and, and.....well, why spoil it for you? You'll just hafta read through the rest of the threads to get caught up!


Love you and my love to Karen, too,
