The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52007   Message #803646
Posted By: NicoleC
15-Oct-02 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Traveller Discrimination in the US 3
Subject: RE: BS: Traveller Discrimination in the US 3
Larry, again you insist that anyone that doesn't agree with you is racist and ignorant.

That, my friend, is prejudice in the classic sense. Without knowing me, my ethinicity, what prejudice I may or may not have experienced, you assume that I am complicit with the type of people that slaughtered Jews, Romani, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, and anyone else that was different.

You are unlikely to win allies by not only ignoring the feelings and opinions of those outside your group, but insulting them as well. If your goal is to end prejudice -- as I think it is -- then maybe you need to spend a little less time pointing fingers and a little more time trying to be inclusive. Because whether someone is a Traveller or not, or someone agrees with you 100%, that doesn't mean they don't have something valid to say.

"Go away, you're not a Traveller and you don't understand," is not an attitude that will achieve your goals.