The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11076   Message #80388
Posted By: Helen
21-May-99 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Subject: RE: CATSPAW .. at a Loss for Words, but Thank You
Hiya, 'Spaw,

Good to see you back in your litter box. I think we should take Bev Lawton's suggestion and officially set the date (and time) when we don't have to be nice to you, but just take you as you are. Then you'll *really* know you are back home.

At the moment we're fussing and fretting over you like you were a welcome stranger, but I reckon if we start getting back to our normal 'Catty selves again you'll feel a whole lot less like a stranger, and just slip back into being just another one of us. *big grin*

I've missed you, and worried over you, and booked my keyboard in for a rustproofing job to counteract the effects of crying all over it, and it seems like the longest 3 weeks I've had to endure for a very long time. So I can only imagine what Karen, Clarence, the boys, Wayne & Connie etc have been feeling.

So, rest up those keyboard fingers, give your brain a chance to rest and think up lots of those witty retorts you're famous for, and just get back to normal (however "normal" is defined in catspaw-land.

Love Helen