The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52461   Message #803948
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
15-Oct-02 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: The Earl of Mar's Daughter
Subject: RE: Tune Req: The Earl of Mar's Daughter
I inadvertently pasted in an unfinished abc: the tune is ok, but the lyric wasn't set out right in the second half. Here it is again, with the required modifications:

T:The Earl of Mar's Daughter
S:Traditional (Buchan); perhaps modified by Christie.
B:Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs, vol.II, 1881.
Z:Child 270 Roud 3879
F3/4G/4|Ac (d3/4c/4)(f3/4d/4)|(d/c/)(B/A/) {A}G(F3/4G/4)|Ac ~d(f3/4d/4)|{d}c2 z (c3/4B/4)|
w:It_ was in-till_ a_ plea_sant_ time, Up_on a sim-mer's_ day, The_
{B}A(G3/4A/4) c(G3/4A/4)|{G}FD C(F3/4G/4)|{B}A(G3/4A/4) c{A}(G3/4F/4)|F2 z (F3/4G/4)|
w:no-ble_ Earl of_ Mar's daugh-ter Went_ forth to_ sport and_ play. As_
{B}A(G/A/) c(G3/4A/4)|FD C(F3/4G/4)|A(G/A/) {A}c(B3/4A/4)|{A}G2 z (c3/4B/4)|
w:thus she_ did a_muse her-sell Be_low a_ green aik_ tree, There_
{B}A(G3/4A/4) (c3/4A/4)(G3/4A/4)|(F/4A3/4)(D3/4C/4) C(F3/4G/4)|A(G3/4A/4) (c3/4B/4)(G3/4F/4)|F2 z|]
w:she did_ see_ a_ spright_ly_ doo Set_ on a_ tow'r_ sae_ hie.