The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52072   Message #804018
Posted By: Little Hawk
15-Oct-02 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
Subject: RE: BS: Bush, Iraq, and War: PART EIGHT
LOL! Nice humour there, guys...both of you. I don't think the Muslim faith has devoted a whole lot of time in promising afterlife benefits to females, Doug, but I may be wrong. Seems to me that if you look into the traditional teachings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (three branches of the same sour lemon tree) that you will find not much said on behalf of women most of the time (although Jesus was an exception in that regard, and he drew some heavy criticism for it from various of his contemporaries).

Now who the hell would want 71 virgins anyway? I certainly wouldn't. Sounds more like purgatory than paradise to me... Only a society where men and women are separated from each other in a very unnatural fashion could dream up such a silly notion, as far as I'm concerned.

And I would do my best to avoid that particular tooth fairy, Amos...he's got very sharp teeth.

Y'know, with this new thread-dividing software the old "Killing the Thread" one would be quite manageable...remember it?

- LH