The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31317   Message #804120
Posted By: Marion
16-Oct-02 - 12:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Facing Mortality & Keeping In Touch
Subject: RE: BS: Facing Mortality & Keeping In Touch
I used to take lessons from Rick; one day this spring Heather called to cancel, saying that Rick had to go get a pain in his side checked out. Next time I saw him, I said, "Did you get yourself sorted out?". He pauses and says, "Yeah, pretty much." Geez!

As for myself...I'm not sick or old so if I died it would probably be sudden, so no time to go through a process. Maybe my Mom would think to call Willie-O, or maybe he'd see it in the paper, but I guess there's no other likely way that Mudcat would know.
