The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52446   Message #804315
Posted By: Ireland
16-Oct-02 - 09:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Subject: RE: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Pooka, in no way will I say that the RUC was totally innocent, like all police forces it had its fair share of undesirable, just as some police were passing on information the same was being done by gards across the border. But this does not excuse the actions I'm just pointing out when the RUC do it its collusion and the whole British government is implicated not so with the gards.

I believe if the Catholic community had been actively encouraged by their community leaders to join the police from the early years of the troubles it would have been harder for people to claim discrimination based on religion. A mixed patrol would have went a long way towards the prevention of such actions,based on the theory that its hard to pick on a community if your partner is someone from there.

It would also have put an end to the police belonging to one community,and would have kept the distance between the police and orange order as it should be. But as it was the protestant community were the only people who came forward and led many protestants to believe that since it was people from their community who put their live's on the line then it is their police force.

I do not believe that the main reason was to preserve the status quo wrt the union. Some joined for financial reasons and we have to realise this fact also, how many 19 yr olds in N.I. could afford Ford Cosworth (??)or any £15000-£20000 cars in the early 1980's. These people were on a small fortune which I think was more an incentive than preserving the union. This is jealously on my behalf but still a valid point.

The fact remains that when the police had to go against the will of either community they bore the brunt of their anger and when it was against the protestant community they paid a very high price. Many police who lived in protestant areas were burnt out and ostracised by the community they were meant to favour.

Although they felt the hatred from both sides, they are the first to be called upon, first to run towards the bomb blast and the last away from the areas when bombs were left. They cannot be all that bad.

Now many Catholic leaders are recommending that they join the PSNI, to be honest I think it is about time more Catholics should take responsibility for protecting the two communities of N.I. and bring about some normality wrt policing and community relations. People would also see that both sides care enough to do something which would lead to some sort of reconciliation.

SF has not joined the policing board, but stands back and condemns rather than getting involved and changing from within. They have put forward ludicrous ideas such as allowing ex IRA members to join the police. I can see why such initiatives are rejected but SF make an issue out of it.

Many of the ties with the orange order and the police are cut as I'm aware police officers are not allowed to be part of such organisations, this is an attempt to make the police acceptable to all. If that is achieved it weakens SF's stand and if there are more Catholic police it weakens the argument a protestant police for a protestant people.

Having said all this I can understand why Catholic people do not join, the primary worry being the safety of their family. As they come from areas which in all probabilities has a republican factor who would see such action as betrayal of their cause. The detrimental consequences of joining the police would be enough to put people off joining. SF did not worry about the police officer who survived a car bomb. Although the man was a Catholic to SF he was still part of the British establishment. They have not sent the massage that those who do join can do without the fear of reprisal. That is a strong message to the catholic community SF is saying join at your own risk and expect no support from us.

One fact though since the implementing of the Patton agreement and the change of name and uniform etc, which SF supported, many have left the force, this has left the PSNI under staffed and stretched to near breaking. This only benefits those who gain from such predicament the terrorists.