The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52516   Message #804376
Posted By: mmm1a
16-Oct-02 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fixed Income
Subject: RE: BS: Fixed Income
Hi Bob
I know exactly what you are going through. It can be very rough.
Check out any food pantrys in your area also there are places that will help with utilities. When I was growing up we were on a fixed income for most of my childhood,at that time I never thought we had it rough, some how my mom always found a way to have money.
Right now I have just been let go from my job and things are more then a little tight. there are many places that can help but the trick is to find them. I wish you well I know how depressing it can be. any time you need someone to bounce ideas off of just give a yell.
