The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52522   Message #804484
Posted By: Ferrara
16-Oct-02 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2002 schedule-changes!
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway schedule-changes!
Well, talk about bad luck and good luck! The good luck was that I finished putting up the revised schedule about 60 seconds BEFORE the power dropped for the whole neighborhood. The bad luck was that I couldn't tell anybody it was ready for review....

Nancy King has again offered to come over this evening and help with any final changes, and we'll be looking for "conflicts of content" as well as stuff that's really "wrong."

So please don't hesitate to say -- "Yeah, but now you've put X opposite Y and I wanted to go to both of 'em!" -- This kind of change doesn't have as high priority as, say, not putting the same person in two workshops at the same time.... But if something makes you unhappy, it may be a problem for other folks too and we'd like to have it brought to our notice.

I won't have to have the whole thing in concrete until about noon tomorrow (how's that for the last minute?) so holler if you aren't satisfied.

As usual, we'll change it if it's necessary, OR if we think your request is a good idea and it ain't too hard to do....
