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Thread #52446   Message #804519
Posted By: Jimmy C
16-Oct-02 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Subject: RE: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Well,well Ireland, at least I agree with some of your statements. #1 -Paisley is an eejit and so are his followers.

I believe also that more catholics should join the police force, I think the reason they have not is because certain terms were agreed to in the GFA but not yet implemented, none the less I think they should join.

I agree that for 30 years the I.R.A. did a lot of damage, but you must remember they were not the only ones, so do not be putting all the blame on republicans.

When the I.R.A. declared a ceasefire they have really tried to stick to it, in the face of many events designed to make them break. e.g. The I.R.A.ceasefire is still intact, there are loyalist paramilitaries not on ceasefire. The U.D.A. especially is infiltrated at every level by the intelligence servises and the Speeecial Branch, they have been supplied wirh arms and with intelligence, and are attacking nationalist interface areas on an almost nightly basis. Just yesterday a family in Larne were ordered to leave just because the wife is a catholic. In Newington Street in North Belfast a hand grenade was thrown from Tiger's Bay and could have killed quite a few children if it had exploded, and this is only what has happened this week alone.

The I.R.A. established contact with De Chastelaine group and facilitated the inspection by international inspectors of a number of arms dumps on three separate occasions.
The I.R.A. have agreed with the International Inspectors to put arms completely and verifiably beyond use
Large quantities of arms were destroyed in October 2001 ans in April 2002.
In spite of all this certain unionists are still not satisfied and have continued to try to wreck the peace process. It is important to understand that sections of the british military and it;s intelligence agencies are still at war. Always seeking to create tensions divisions and spilits within the republican ranks. Over the past few years we have seen some absurd stories froom ill informed and mischievous sources designed solely to provide opponents to the peace process with excuses to attack republicans. Sections of the british establishment and unionists remain fixated on defeating republicans and defending a failed status quo. It has not worked and the peace process for the most part is still holding, the I.R.A. ceasefire is still intact.

They accused the I.R.A. of breaking into the Castlereagh offices and stealing information that was for the most part public information. Why would they do that ?. What have they to gain from that ?.

This latest thing about spying is a height of hypocrisy, Blair condemning republicans for spying,the same week he is trying to eliminate the Iraq president based on information gained by spying.

The car of both Adams and McGuinness had listening devices installed not so long ago, where was all the hoopla about that. Do you really believe the Unionists are not gathering info on the republicans ?. Do you really believe the authorities are not gathering information on republicans as well, if not then how the hell did they find out that the republicans were doing it if they themselves are not involved in the same activity ?.

The oline is that the british and the unionists don't only want the I.R.A. to give up arms, to disband etc, thye want a total surrender and that is not going to happen, especially when loyalist paramilitaries are armed to the teeth and appear to have a free reign.

Ireland, in all honesty, if you were a loyalist/republican paramilary would you even consider giving up your gun when your enemy lives a few streets away and he still has his ?. It's not going to happen.

What may happen is that moderate catholics will realize that no matter what they do it will never be enough for the unionists and instead of voting for the Alliance party or the S.D.L.P party, they will give their votes to Sinn Fein. In reality this latest endeavour to remove the largest nationalist party from the politics of the six counties could backfire and make Sinn Fein even stronger in the next election./

But I agree - Paisley is a nut case.

Good luck