The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #52446   Message #804833
Posted By: Jimmy C
16-Oct-02 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
Subject: RE: BS: Northern Ireland Mess
The lady in the news said it was because she was a catholic and her boyfriend was a protestant, they are living in a loyalist estate, so who do you think tried to get them out ?. I do not agree with any terrorist activity either, but don't expect one side to bear the blunt of the blame and don't go harping on about the catholic church running the place and all that bullshit, that may have happened years ago in the republic , it is not the case today, do you really believe that "TERRORISTS" are going to be swayed by something a bishop or priests tells them ?. My argument is very precise, that is, that many of the unionists never wanted power sharing or the GFA in the first place and they have been doing their best to wreck it since day one. Durkin and Trimble are not ex-terrorists, well where is the evidence that Adams is, and I don't mean innuendos, I mean real proof. It does not exist otherwise Trimble would have been able to show it. Just because someone is a member of Sinn Fein does not mean he was ever even a member of the I.R.A. let alone been a terrorist. Martin mcGuinness may have been member of the I.R.A. but people have the right to defend themselves and the people in Derry needed defending, the bloody police weren't going to do it, neither were the army so what were they to do,   stay home and keep quiet like they had done for nearly 50 years ?.
The U.D.A., the U.V.F and other groups are just as private , and they would be used by Paisley, Trimble and others except that the I.R.A. are there to oppose them. I believe that the I.R.A. cannot survive without the support of a large number of the nationalist community and by the same token neither can the loyalists groups, so enough of the private army garbage, I have said it before and I will say it again, if it had not been for the actions(or inaction) of the police, the british army coupled with the threat from loyalists squads there would have been no need for the I.R.A. in the first place. This all started with a march by students demanding civil rights and we know by the newsreels exactly how the police responded.
Calling for loyalists groups to disarm is not the same as demanding the nationalists groups disarm. Time is on the side of the nationalists, all they have to do is keep the peace and they will be the majority very soon, so why would they want to upset the applecart. ?.
This is all a case of politicians stirring the pot for their own polital agendas, they may as well get it into their heads that the old status and institutions of the state will never return. Those days are dead and gone,. They are not doing the loyalist community any favours by not peacefully working towards the new Ireland no matter what form it will take, whether as part of a united Ireland or as a separate democratically run state. They are leaving a legacy of bitterness and hatred and they should be ashamed of themselves. Bloody hypocrites , all of them.